Sunday, April 12, 2015


Welcome to my portfolio blog.  here you will see the projects that I've worked on in and out side of my animation classes.
I like to draw in pen and erasable colored pencils.  I color with a wacom tablet on photoshop and I use a color changing marker technique.

I studied as an art major at snow college for two years and then transferred to UVU and switched my major to Animation and Gaming.  I'm extremely interested in foreign animation such as french and Japanese.  I'm especially interested in animation with just music.  My late father use to be an artist and would bring home art films and games.  He was particularly interested in 3D animation.  My favorite of the films that he shared with me was the Beyond the Mind's Eye series.  It's amazing to think of the technology we have here at our school.

I'm excited to work with my fellow Juniors on even bigger projects next year.

To contact me you may email me at

To see my inspiration you can find my pinterest boards here.
To the Project Board
To the Art Inspiration Board

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